Power Supply for Espressif Module with Battery Charger & Boost Converter

We will discuss the integration of a power supply for the ESP32 Board. Additionally, we will add a Boost Converter Circuit to enable the use of a 3.7V Lithium-Ion Battery for powering the ESP32. Since Lithium-Ion Batteries can discharge, we will integrate a Battery Charger Circuit along with a Battery Management System. Many Lithium-Ion/Lithium Polymer Batteries can only charge up to 4.2V, which is low for the ESP32 Board . Therefore, we need to increase the battery voltage from 2.8V-3.7V to 5V. This necessitates the use of a compact Boost Converter Module build with inductors, ICs, and resistors. To facilitate battery charging and management, we will use the TP4056 Battery Charger Module. Alternatively, we can also power the circuit using a 9V/12V DC Adapter. The LM7805 Voltage Regulator IC restricts the voltage to 5V. If you are not going to use a battery for power, you can utilize the DC Power Adapter or a 9V Battery. ESP32 Power Requirement The ESP32 Board’s operating v...