
Showing posts from January, 2024

SIMCOM Wireless Solutions Wireless Module | Campus Component

  Looking for a reliable and powerful LTE Cat 1 module for your next IoT project? Look no further than the SIM A7670C from SIMCOM Wireless Solutions. This versatile module offers a robust set of features and functionalities, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. The A7670 series is the LTE Cat 1 module which supports wireless communication modes of LTE-TDD/LTE-FDD/m GSM/GPRS/EDGE. It supports maximum 10Mbps downlink rate and 5Mbps uplink rate. The A7670 series adopts LGA form factor and is compatible with SIM7000/SIM7070 series(NB/Cat M modules), and SIM800A/SIM800F(2G modules), which enables smooth migration from 2G/NB/Cat M products to LTE Cat 1 products, and greatly facilitates more compatible product design for the customer needs. The A7670 series supports multiple built-in network protocols, supports drivers for main operation systems (USB driver for Windows, Linux and Android etc.) and software function, AT commands are compatible with SIM7500/SIM7600 series modu

How To Prolong the Life of LCD Display

In our modern world, LCD displays are ubiquitous, serving as the visual interface for various electronic devices ranging from televisions and computer monitors to smartphones and digital signage. As these displays have become an integral part of our daily lives, it's crucial to adopt practices that can extend their lifespan. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to ensure the longevity of your LCD display. What is an LCD display? An LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display, is a type of display technology commonly used in electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smartphones. It works by using a layer of liquid crystals that can be manipulated using electric currents to create an image on the display. LCD displays are known for their ability to produce sharp, clear images and for their energy efficiency. What is the average lifespan of an LCD Display? The average life of LCD monitor or display can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the quality of t

Interfacing Allystar GEM1205 GPS with ESP32 Dev Module

  If you are an embedded engineer working in the electronic industry, and somewhere in the project you are required to determine the moving object's position or calculate the altitude and velocity for a specific location. In such instances, the integration of a  GPS module  becomes invaluable.  In this article you will understand how to get GPS coordinates(longitude, latitude, altitude), GPS speed, date-time information from the  Allystar GEM1205 module . Hardware Requirements ESP-Wroom 32 Dev Module Allystar GEM1205-2516AS0 Jumper Wires Breadboard Software Requirements Arduino IDE GPS Libraries Introduction to Allystar GEM1205 Module Allystar GEM1205  is a high-performance dual-band (L1/L5) multi-system GNSS positioning module. It supports the global civil navigation systems, including GPS, IRNSS, BDS, GLONASS, Galileo, and QZSS. Embedded antennas ensure GEM1205 to work at L1 and L5 bands simultaneously to increase the number of visible satellites assisting by GPS, BDS, Galileo, a